Below are the motion profile for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Utilize the Microsoft Flight Simulator General Motion Profile for all civilian aircraft in the game as there are only minor variations in telemetry.
Microsoft Flight Simulator General Motion Profile
Cessna 152
Cessna 172 Skyhawk
Boeing 747
Cessna Citation CJ4
Airbus A320neo
Aerobatic Aircraft (See WARNING in notes)
Pitts Special S-2S
Extra 330LT
Experimental Darkstar
Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet / Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Mrk
D77-TC Pelican (See WARNING in notes)
WARNING: BUGGED HEAVE TELEMETRY: The Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Mrk (used in Flight Challenges), and the D77-TC Pelican (Halo Dropship) have extremely high and spiky Heave telemetry (70+). This is obviously a bug or programming error for these aircraft. To compensate, Max Telemetries and Smoothing Effects for Heave on these aircraft have been greatly increased. Similar "extreme" aircraft added to Microsoft Flight Simulator at a later date may exhibit the same Heave issues.
WARNING: AEROBATIC AIRCRAFT: Aerobatic aircraft like the Pitts Special S-2S and Extra 330LT have extremely fast telemetry which will result in jarring movement. It is HIGHLY recommended to lower the Spike Filter settings to 500 per the Aerobatic Motion Profile below.
ENGINE HAPTIC: The Engine Haptic motion effect has been disable in all the motion profiles below. This is due to the engine haptic effect occurring during flight and results in jittery motion during pitching and rolling. It is recommended to utilize the Engine effect from Shakers/Transducers instead.
Platform Tuning
This motion profile was created on a PT Actuator 6DOF Simracing Platform (150mm: 7 Actuators (2 Front + 2 Rear + 2 TL + Surge). Since all motion platforms can be slightly different, please use the guidance below or utilize the quick tuning guide here for quick adjustments or the full guide here for detailed tuning information.
4 Vertical Actuator Tuning
Sway and Surge is converted into pitch or roll for platforms that do not have horizontal actuators. Since these motion profiles were created on a platform with horizontal actuators, the tuning(s) could result in excessive pitch or roll on platforms without horizontal actuators. IMPORTANT: For an axis that does not have a dedicated horizontal actuator, it might be necessary to reduce the Effect Slider for Lat G Sway, Long G Surge Accel and Long G Surge Decel by 60% to mitigate excessive movement. For example:
If no Sway actuators, reduce the Sway Effect Slider from 10 to 4.
If no Surge actuator, reduce the Long G Surge Accel/Decel Effect Slider from 16 to 6.
Actuator Size and Mounting
These motion profiles were created on a platform with 150mm actuators with the Front to Rear Vertical Actuator spacing at 1150mm and the Left to Right Vertical Actuator spacing at 745mm. Actuators placed closer together or are larger than 150mm will increase the angle of pitch and roll. To mitigate the increase of motion if needed, reduce the Effect Slider for the impacted effects or reduce the Max Angle.
MDBOX Tuning
Due to built in smoothing effects for MDBOX, it may be necessary to reduce the Effect Smoothing by 50%. Surge, Sway, and Traction Loss may require Effect Smoothing to be removed completely.
Max Angle
These motion profiles have balanced to allow for the increase of Max Angle and Max Horizontal to 100 (unless noted otherwise) to allow for the maximum movement capabilities of the vertical actuators. However, if less motion is desired, reduction of the Max Angle will reduce overall motion while still retaining the balanced effects.
Reverse Surge
These motion profiles were created with the surge actuator reversed. This will cause the platform to move forward when accelerating and backwards when decelerating. To reverse the surge actuator, please follow the tutorial here.
Microsoft Flight Simulator TensionR Active Belt Tuning here.
I do all this for free and love it! However, If you would like to make a donation, please use the link here. Thank you!
Microsoft Flight Simulator General Motion Profile
Note: This motion profile should be used for all civilian aircraft and has been tested on the Cessna 152, Cessna 172 Skyhawk, Boeing 747, TBM930, Cessna Citation CJ4, and Airbus A320neo.
Aerobatic Aircraft
WARNING: Due to the extremely jarring motion when performing loops or rolls, it is recommended to lower the Spike Filter to 500.
Notes: This motion profile can be utilized for all Aerobatic Aircraft and has been tested on the Pitts Special S-2S and Extra 330LT. Max Angle and Max Horizontal have been reduced due to the extreme movement these aircraft generate. Yaw has been reduced to mitigate excessive movement during flight. Max Telemetries and Effect Smoothing have been increased to mitigate excessive movement. Spike Filter has been lowered to 500 in order to engage when loops or rolls are performed due to quick telemetry changes between positive and negative values.
Experimental Darkstar
Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet / Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Mrk
Notes: This motion profile can be utilized for both Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornets. Both aircraft have heave telemetry that is extremely buggy. There will be extremely high spikes of Heave when performing maneuvers. A large amount of Effect Smoothing and lowered Effect Slider setting for Heave has been applied to mitigate the issue. It is recommended to use the suggested Spike Filter of 1800 to mitigate the telemetry spikes in Heave.
D77-TC Pelican
WARNING: The D77-TC Pelican's telemetry is extremely buggy. There will be extremely high spikes of Heave when lifting off in hover mode (excess of 400). Surge and Sway also have spiky telemetry. A large amount of Effect Smoothing and lowered Effect Slider settings for Sway, Surge, and Heave have been applied to mitigate the issue. It is recommended to use the suggested Spike Filter of 1800 to mitigate the telemetry spikes in Heave.
Note: The bugged telemetry will continue in the MS Flight Simulator menus as long as the D77-TC Pelican is selected. This include previewing the D77-TC Pelican in the Hangar. To reduce the motion while in the menus, switch the aircraft in the Hangar to a different plane other than the D77-TC Pelican.
All profiles have been finalized and posted. Please let me know if anyone has feedback or questions. Thanks!
Jeff you are an absolute legend. I cant thank enough for all the tunes you have provided. I will be making a donation in the next week. I almost feel like you should be paid for each tune....amazing mate thank you so much.
Change Log
6/28/2022 - All finalized motion profiles have been posted.
6/30/2022 - All profiles adjust to have Pitch Effect slider reduced to 18 and Roll Effect slider reduced to 16. Engine Haptic effects have been disabled on all aircraft.