With the default profile, it felt like the H3 rig was controlling the car, rather than me controlling it. It was a bucking bronco ride. I then started with Gilbert's setup, Pitch 5, Roll 10, Yaw 0, Sway 7, Surge Accel 5, Surge Decel 5, Heave 5, Traction Loss 2. I worked with the Power, Smoothing, and Boost to get something that felt more like an actual race car. What I was looking for was shorter, harsher movements. I didn't want extended exaggerated movement every time a variation in the track or car movement was detected. I changed Power to 50, Smoothing to 0, and Boost to 80. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
I have an i7-7700K CPU @4.20 GHz, 24 GB of RAM, Windows 10 Home.
I only play iRacing, concentrating on fixed cars like the Radical and the RUF. I use an Oculus Rift. I have an H3 motion rig, double wind power, and a shake seat. (I'm a mediocre racer, but I'm having a blast!) Contact me if you have questions, or suggestions.