Note: Shake Tunings are completely dependent on the Windows sound card settings and the position and installation of the shakers/transducers. Increase or decrease sliders relative to each other depending the setup to maintain balance. See the Shake Tuning Guide for more information here.
This Shake profile can be used for ALL racing titles.
Buttkicker LFE Racing Shake Profile
Notes: This profile utilizes two Buttkicker LFEs with one mounted directly under the seat and the other directly under the pedals. A Dayton Audio SA1000 sub-woofer amp powers both Buttkicker LFEs. Shakers are configured as a '1 Speaker - Center' in Sim Racing Studio in SETUP > Hardware. This profile has been tuned on a PT Actuator 6DOF Simracing Platform (150mm: 7 Actuators (2 Front + 2 Rear + 2 TL + Surge), thus specific effects that are handled by motion have been turned Off. Engine type utilizes the Enhanced feature (see Shake Tuning Guide link above for more information).

Any recommendations with regard to the windows volume of the sound device, and the shaker volume in SETUP? Should they be maxed out (100% & 10 respectively), or is best practice to have it a little lower? And what about the actual amp's volume? I'm trying to better understand the interplay between all of them. Thanks!
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